Sunday, January 1, 2012


We enter 2012 with great humilities and Joy

It is Now finally as it has always been

and the work play Intention is Manifesting

as it is In the New Paradigm of New Earth Pangea

there is a deep balancing of form and formlessness

of shifting and maintenance

of change and remembering

of a Deja Vu

if you please

as you are now different than you perhaps were

yet you are U

but yes there is an Unfolding

coming from the core of being

from the Tao from we wei

there is a Dance , a Lilah

and a deep Healing of the SOul 's longing

to be at Peace

and Ease

the Force the anti Force

the Dark and the Light

the Yin and the Yan

are dancing Now

differently with more possibilities of knowledge of Oneness

and Self

of Universal Laughter

between Once Enemies

between God

Christ Buddha and Goddess

Tat Sat

Father and Son


the Buddha's Head has been reshaped

the Brain starting to Fire now

the Pineal Gland

the Wax

melting down to the Heart

and the Laughter may Emerge

and the Light , nay the Fireworks

of Presentation

of Celebration

are Lit Up


All Teaching s are Merging

to One

we are all Acting Together